Philip BerkePhilip Berke

Philip Berke is a professor of land use and environmental planning in the Department of City and Regional Planning and University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC).  He is the deputy director of the UNC Institute for the Environment, holds a joint appointment in the UNC Curriculum of Ecology, and serves as a collaborative research scholar with the International Global Change Institute at the University of Waikato, New Zealand.  Berke is a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the French Association of Disaster Prevention, the Conservation Thresholds Advisory Committee of the Environmental Law Institute, and numerous other scientific and environmental organizations. He recently was a member of the National Research Council’s Committee on Disaster Research in the Social Sciences, and the steering committee on Resiliency and Vulnerability Observatory Network supported by the National Science Foundation. 

Berke’s scholarly activities focus on developing a deeper understanding of the dynamic relationships among urban settlements, natural systems, and the needs and aspirations of increasingly diverse human populations. He has authored or co-authored 60 scholarly publications, including eight books on land use and environmental planning, and is the lead co-author of the fifth edition of Urban Land Use (University of Illinois Press 2006). His recent research projects address domestic and international issues in land use and environmental planning, hazard mitigation, and social justice.  He is currently the principal investigator of three major grants from the National Science Foundation, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and Department of Homeland Security.

Contact Philip Berke

Workshop Abstracts

State Hazard Mitigation Plan Evaluation

Natural Hazard Mitigation in Compact New Urban versus Conventional Low-Density Developments

Building Resiliency in Six Disadvantaged Communities Vulnerable to Natural Disasters

Related Resources from Philip Berke

Building Capacity in Six Disadvantaged Communities Vulnerable to Natural Disasters
with John Cooper and others