Jennifer DunnJennifer Dunn

Jennifer Dunn serves as the national Silver Jackets program manager as part of the Flood Risk Management Program team at the Institute for Water Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). She now supports at least five new states with Silver Jackets teams—continuously-operating, interagency collaboratives working to reduce risk over the flooding life cycle. 

Dunn recently completed a detail as HQUSACE Liaison to the Department of Homeland Security, during which time she drafted a consequence-based screening tool for levees.  Before her current position, Jennifer served as a senior planner, FPMS/PAS Program manager and the Flood Risk Management Program coordinator at the San Francisco District for seven years. She began her career with the USACE in 1995 as an Environmental Engineer completing hazardous, toxic and radiological waste investigations and cleanup in the Sacramento district.

She is a registered CFM, holds a master’s in civil and environmental engineering from the University of California, Davis and has advanced to candidacy for the PhD with the dissertation topic of public participation in environmental decision-making.

Contact Jennifer Dunn

Workshop Abstracts

Many Agencies, One Solution, Reducing Risk: The Silver Jackets Program

Related Resources from Jennifer Dunn

Silver Jackets Fact Sheet