Translating Climate Predictions into Adaptation Decisions

Tue. 8:30-10:00 a.m., Centennial E

Is the climate science community presenting its predictions in the best way to encourage action and adaptation decisions? Climate change predictions can be used by decision makers (from the individual to the municipal, county, state, and federal official) to prioritize and recommend adaptive action, but predictions can have a large degree of uncertainty. Decision makers are continually grappling with other issues, such as financial and political problems and everyday emergencies. This session will examine challenges related to the downscaling of climate predictions in ways that meet decision makers’ needs. How useful is today’s science for tomorrow’s plans? How do we decide on adaptation actions and how can we make more informed decisions? What insights about predictions, uncertainty, and motivating action can be transferred from the disaster community?

Frannie Edwards Frannie Edwards, Moderator
San José State University Mineta Transportation Institute


Adrienne Greve Adrienne Greve, Panelist
California Polytechnic State University


Eric HoldemanEric Holdeman, Panelist
Port of Tacoma


Kevin TrenberthKevin Trenberth, Panelist
National Center for Atmospheric Research


PanelistBruce Binder, Panelist
Global Vision Consortium