Anyone Out There? Rural and Tribal Vulnerability

Sun. 3:30-5:00 p.m., Centennial E

As world becomes more urban, research on and discussions of vulnerability naturally turn to more densely populated areas. Even in addressing problems of environmental change in areas of lower population, the trend is to create generalizable solutions. To what extent are these general approaches useful and appropriate, to what extent can "rural" problems and solutions be identified, and to what extent are conditions so specific that they can only be addressed by solutions tailored to a single community? To help fully consider these questions, vulnerability will also be discussed in the context of American Indian tribes, which not only have unique community structure and cultural relationships with place, but also have special intergovernmental relationships that affect how general solutions may be applied.

Lori Vun Kannon Lori Vun Kannon, Moderator
Seminole Tribe of Florida


Panelist Diana Coho, Panelist


Mervyn TanoMervyn Tano, Panelist
International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management


Juan Pablo SarmientoJuan Pablo Sarmiento, Panelist
Florida International University


Panelist Eleanore Kim Cassel, Panelist
South Dakota State University/EDEN