Sustaining Resilience Over Time

Tue. 9:00-10:30 a.m., Centennial E

Efforts are currently under way to increase disaster resilience. Past efforts, such as FEMA’s Project Impact, have had similar objectives. However, programs and interventions have a tendency to come and go; for example, Project Impact was terminated after only a few years. Ongoing programs face the challenge of maintaining interest, commitment, relevance, and funding—particularly during times when disasters do not occur. These and other challenges raise the question of how resilience-enhancing efforts can be sustained over time. What do we currently know about ways of making sure that programs aimed at improving resilience maintain momentum and become sustainable over the long term?

Ann Patton Ann Patton, Moderator
Natural Hazard Mitigation Association


Timothy LovellTimothy Lovell, Panelist
Tulsa Partners


Ed Thomas Edward Thomas, Panelist
Michael Baker Corporation


Panelist William DeGroot, Panelist
Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, Colo.


PanelistBill Becker, Panelist
Natural Capitalism Solutions