Children and Disasters

Sun. 3:30-5:00 p.m., Private Dining Room

Historically, child and youth needs have not been a priority in disaster management policies, activities, or research. Over the last several years, concerted efforts of various government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and social science researchers have elevated the profile of young people. This session will identify research gaps and policy oversights that are keeping children and young people from being key players in disaster reduction and decision making. Areas for discussion will include school safety, child protection, education, and the requirements of children with special needs. These topics parallel the main points of the Children’s Charter for Disaster Risk Reduction, a UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction initiative that collected the insights of 600 children in 21 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. By adopting the Children’s Charter as its guide, this session will be addressing the issues that are of most concern to the world’s most vulnerable children.

Panelist Robin Cox, Moderator
Royal Roads University


Panelist Lori Peek, Panelist
Colorado State University


PanelistBrandi Gilbert, Panelist
University of Colorado Natural Hazards Center


PanelistRobert Kanter, Panelist
SUNY Upstate Medical University


Panelist David Abramson, Panelist
National Center for Disaster Preparedness


Panelist Alessandra Jerolleman, Panelist
Natural Hazards Mitigation Association

Organizer: Briony Towers, RMIT University