Plans and Practices: Promoting Rural Community Resilience

Mon. 4:00-5:30 p.m., Interlocken C

Considerable funding has been dedicated to improving the resilience of urban areas. In rural communities, the extent of hazard mitigation, preparedness, emergency response, and disaster recovery is less understood. Recent work has focused on increasing awareness related to vulnerability and enhancing resilience in rural communities. This panel will discuss how hazard mitigation planning and practices vary and present strategies to improve the capacity for community sustainability and management in natural hazard situations. Panelists will also highlight how access to online information affects perceptions of individual and collective resilience.

Panelist Laurie Pearce, Moderator
Royal Roads University


Panelist Jennifer Horney, Panelist
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


PanelistJeanette Sutton, Panelist
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Trauma, Health, and Hazards Center


PanelistRobin Cox, Panelist
Royal Roads University


Organizers: Jennifer Horney, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Laurie Pearce, Royal Roads University