Insurance and Public Policy

Tue. 9:00-10:30 a.m., Centennial F

This session will discuss how new insurance products can be a tool to promote public policies that help communities cope with the financial aspects of catastrophe, even as the catastrophe unfolds. Because the cost of insurance helps people understand the financial risk associated with building in hazardous areas, premiums that are truly risk based can discourage irresponsible practices and encourage better building and zoning. Models originally developed by the insurance industry are already used by many communities to help prepare for the possibility of a natural disaster. Where are they headed?

Panelist Andy Castaldi, Moderator
Swiss Re


Panelist Franklin Nutter, Panelist
Reinsurance Association of America


PanelistAlex Kaplan, Panelist
Swiss Re


PanelistPatricia Grossi, Panelist
Risk Management Solutions


Organizer: Andy Castaldi, Swiss Re