Holistic Disaster Recovery2006 Revised Edition

The Natural Hazards Center has revised the Holistic Disaster Recovery handbook with updated resources, including a more specific focus on the Hurricane Katrina recovery, and new examples of recovery success stories.

Find out more about the 2006 revised edition.

Holistic Disaster Recovery

Ideas for Building Local Sustainability
After a Natural Disaster (2001)


Produced by the Natural Hazards Center with funding from the Public Entity Risk Institute (PERI).

A printed version of the full handbook may be ordered from PERI's online bookstore at www.riskinstitute.org.

The 2001 Holistic Disaster Recovery handbook is summarized in the Natural Hazards Informer, Issue 3:
Building Back Better: Creating a Sustainable Community After Disaster

Table of Contents

Cover, Preface, Acknowledgments, Table of Contents

Ch. 1: Introduction to Sustainability

Ch. 2: The Disaster Recovery Process

Ch. 3: Participatory Processes in Disaster Recovery

Ch. 4: Using Disaster Recovery to Maintain and Enhance Quality of Life

Ch. 5: Building Economic Vitality into Recovery

Ch. 6: Promoting Social and Intergenerational Equity During Disaster Recovery

Ch. 7: Protecting Environmental Quality During Disaster Recovery

Ch. 8: Incorporating Disaster Resilience into Disaster Recovery

Ch. 9: Summary and Glossary

Evaluation Form

BIBLIOGRAPHY: This annotated bibliography contains all the information sources from each chapter.

  • HTML format by chapter with links to online references: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
  • PDF format with all chapters assembled together in one document.