Reprinted from the 200th edition in 1996 and the 400th edition in 2004:

"The Disaster Research e-mail newsletter was created in January 1989 by Bruce Crawford, an enterprising young graduate student at the Disaster Research Center, at the University of Delaware. Bruce managed the newsletter in various experimental forms (moderated and unmoderated) until November of that year. However, like Dr. Frankenstein's creation, Bruce's wonderful innovation soon took on a life of its own, and Bruce found that graduate school and list management required 36 hours/day of work (i.e., he had to give up one or the other). Hence, in November 1989, the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado assumed responsibility for DR, and we have been publishing this newsletter ever since.”

Since 1989, we have seen the readership grow from about 100 individuals to nearly 4,500 today.

Keep sending us your queries, comments, perspectives, and information. Thanks to you all for your support thus far!