Research to Practice Publications
The Natural Hazards Center team is committed to working with partners to move research into action. This page highlights recent publications and products that synthesize the state of knowledge in particular areas with the goal of reaching a broader audience of practitioners, policy makers, journalists, and others. If you have questions about these materials, please contact us at

MacPherson-Krutsky, Carson, Mary Angelica Painter, and Melissa Villarreal. 2024. Inclusive Emergency Alerts for Colorado: An Assessment and Recommendations for Language and Disability Considerations. Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder.

Peek, Lori, Mary Angelica Painter, Gina Eosco, Alison M. Agather, Jonathon Mote, Cassandra Shivers-Williams, Jennifer Tobin, Jolie Breeden, and Open Data Workshop Participants. 2023. Final Report of the Workshop on Open Data and Reuse in Social Science Weather Research. Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder.

Campbell, Nnenia. 2021. Principles of Risk Communication Worksheets: Exercises for Integrating Principles into Risk Communication Practice. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder.

Campbell, Nnenia, Rebecca Morss, Michael K. Lindell, and Myron Guttman. 2021. Emergency Evacuation and Sheltering During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.

Campbell, Nnenia, Jamie Vickery, Sara DeYoung, Dennis Culhane, and Marc Settembrino. 2021. Addressing Disaster Vulnerability Among Homeless Populations During COVID-19. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.

Campbell, Nnenia, Kamryn Roper-Fetter, and Mary Yoder. 2020. Principles of Risk Communication: A Guide to Communicating with Socially Vulnerable Populations Across the Disaster Lifecycle. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder.

Campbell, Nnenia, Kamryn Roper-Fetter, and Mary Yoder. 2020. Risk Communication Involving Vulnerable Populations: An Annotated Bibliography. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder.

Peek, Lori, Jamie Vickery, Haorui Wu, Mason Mathews, Luther Green, Nnenia Campbell, Jennifer Tobin, Erica Schelly, Katie Murphy, Helen Gardner, Jolie Breeden, Jeffrey Gunderson, Aren Koenig, Anita Drever, Sarah Thompson, and Sarah Luciano. 2021. Evaluation Report—Building State and VOAD Capacities to Protect Children in Emergencies. Fairfield, Connecticut: Save the Children.

Jamie Vickery, Haorui Wu, Mason Mathews, Lori Peek, Luther Green, Nnenia Campbell, Jennifer Tobin, Erica Schelly, Katie Murphy, Helen Gardner, Jolie Breeden, Jeffrey Gunderson, Aren Koenig, Anita Drever, Sarah Thompson, and Sarah Luciano. 2021. State Level Findings: Arkansas—Building State and VOAD Capacities to Protect Children in Emergencies. Fairfield, Connecticut: Save the Children.

Jamie Vickery, Haorui Wu, Mason Mathews, Lori Peek, Luther Green, Nnenia Campbell, Jennifer Tobin, Erica Schelly, Katie Murphy, Helen Gardner, Jolie Breeden, Jeffrey Gunderson, Aren Koenig, Anita Drever, Sarah Thompson, and Sarah Luciano. 2021. State Level Findings: Nebraska—Building State and VOAD Capacities to Protect Children in Emergencies. Fairfield, Connecticut: Save the Children.

Landslide Guide for Residents of Puerto Rico. 2020. University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez, U.S. Geological Survey, and Natural Hazards Center.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 2018. A Proposed FEMA Case Study Development Process. Contributing Authors: Dorian Chapman, Rick Dixon, Jonathan Gaddy, Gustavo Garcia, Gary Glickman, Richard Johnson, Jim Kendra, Lanita Lloyd, Antoine Richards, Norma Pena Rivera, Tony Russell, Jenniffer Santos-Hernandez, Jean Slick, Jennifer Tobin, Libby Turner, Dianne Walbrecker, and Wendy Walsh. Washington, D.C.: FEMA.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 2018. A Proposed Research Agenda for the Emergency Management Higher Education Community. Contributing Authors: DeeDee Bennett, Kevin Bream, Kevin Kloesel, David Mendonca, Steven Patterson, Lori Peek, Brenda Phillips, Jennifer Tobin, Wendy Walsh, Gary Webb, and Kristin Wyckoff. Washington, D.C.: FEMA.

Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM). Floodplain Management 2017: State Programs. Contributing Authors: Liesel Ritchie, Chad Berginnis, Jolie Breeden, Bill Brown, Nnenia Campbell, Simone Domingue, Allison Madera, Lori Peek, Catherine Brownlee Talbot, Jennifer Tobin, and Jamie Vickery. Madison, WI: ASFPM.

FEMA P-1000. Safer, Stronger, Smarter: A Guide to Improve School Natural Hazards Safety. 2017. Washington, D.C.: Federal Emergency Management Agency and Applied Technology Council.