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Weather Ready Research Reports

The Weather Ready Research Award program supports social science and interdisciplinary innovation in disaster research, prioritizes novel areas of study that require the collection of ephemeral data, and provides training and mentoring for conducting ethical and rigorous hazards and disaster research. Weather Ready Research reports capture perishable data on recent events. All analysis is preliminary.

Call 4: Wildfire Ready Quick Response Research and Data Publication

The fourth call for Weather Ready Research is focused on advancing wildfire and fire weather research and data publication. The intent of this call is to help advance knowledge regarding how diverse community members perceive wildfire risk, prepare for wildfire threats, understand fire weather observations and forecasts, receive fire weather alerts and warnings, make evacuation decisions, and respond to and recover from the impacts of a wildfire. To learn more, read the full Call for Wildfire Ready Quick Response Research and Data Publication.

WR12 | Transit Agencies and Wildfire Evacuation: Case Study of the 2021 Caldor Fire (2024)
Tara Goddard

Call 3: Tornado Ready Quick Response Research

This third call for Weather Ready Research supported social science and multidisciplinary research to identify how community members receive, interpret, and respond to tornado watch and warning messages. To learn more, read the full Call for Tornado Ready Research.

WR11 | How College Students’ Home Region Influences Their Risk Perceptions and Behaviors During Tornados (2024)
Amy Hyman and Joseph Richmond

WR10 | Sheltering Behavior During the December 2021 Tornado in Mayfield, Kentucky (2023)
John Mathias, Brandi Skipalis, Sanoop Valappanandi, Tisha Holmes, David Lafontant, Eren Erman Ozguven, Onur Alisan, Mehmet Kaya, Tyler McCreary, Efraim Roxas, and Austin Bush

Call 1: Weather Ready Research

The following is a list of recently funded awards as part of a call dedicated to advancing understanding of how to most effectively prepare for and communicate about extreme weather, water, and climate events. To learn more, read the full Call for Weather Ready Research.

WR9 | Risk Messaging During Syndemics: Hurricane Laura and COVID-19 (2022)
Lauren Clay, Alex Greer, Haley Murphy, and Hao-Che “Tristan" Wu

WR8 | The Effect of Experiencing Disaster Losses on Risk Perceptions and Preparedness Behaviors (2023)
Rowena Rowie Kirby-Straker and Leslie Straker

WR7 | Burned Area Emergency Response Teams: Interactions and Opportunities During Southwestern Monsoon Seasons (2022)
Catrin Edgeley, Noah Haarmann, and Anna Jaramillo-Scarborough

WR6 | The Role of 360-Degree Videos in Wildfire Preparedness (2022)
Na Yu and Lucy Atkinson

WR5 | Risk Communication Planning: Learning From Lived Experiences of Homelessness (2022)
Jamie Vickery, Nicole Errett, Ann Bostrom, William Sweeney, and Hansen Wendlandt

WR4 | Learning From Hurricane Laura’s Near Miss: Evacuation Decision-Making Under Uncertainty (2022)
David Retchless and Ashley Ross

WR3 | Household-Targeted Hurricane Warnings for Effective Evacuation (2022)
Shandge Gao, Yan Wang, Ryan Qi Wang, and Corene J. Matyas

WR2 | The March 2020 Tennessee Tornados: Risk Perceptions, Preparedness, and Communication (2022)
Amanda Reinke, Jaymelee Kim, and Erin Eldridge

WR1 | Examining Public Response and Climate Conditions During Overlapping Tornado and Flash Flood Warnings (2022)
Jennifer M. First, Kelsey Ellis, and Stephen Strader


The Weather Ready Research Award program is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1635593) through supplemental funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Program Office. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF, NOAA, or the Natural Hazards Center.