The Natural Hazards Center is pleased to announce a partnership with the Natural Hazard Mitigation Association that will result in a new add-on meeting at our annual Workshop in July. The NHMA Meeting on Forming a National Mitigation Collaborative Alliance will be held July 13-14, following the main Hazards Workshop.

Last year, the National Emergency Management Association released "Recommendations for an Effective National Mitigation Effort," which the NHMA recently endorsed. The NHMA is now calling on practitioners to meet to discuss how to best implement NEMA's recommendations, especially the recommendation to "Form a National Mitigation Collaborative Alliance."

All Natural Hazards Workshop invitees are welcome to participate in the meeting and can register for the NHMA add-on meeting using the main Workshop online registration. A preliminary schedule is available at the meeting page linked above. A continental breakfast and a lunch of sandwiches and deli salads are included in the registration cost.