Researchers conducting surveys Researchers survey Ethiopian farmers after an outbreak of coenurosis. ©International Livestock Research Institute, 2016.

The hazards and disaster research community is dedicated to conducting studies that advance academic disciplines and contribute to applied knowledge. One resource available to do that is the Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Grant Program.

With funding from the National Science Foundation, the Quick Response program provides small grants of up to $2,000 to assist researchers in traveling to disaster-stricken areas to gather perishable data before it’s lost. The program also supports nominal data collection and analysis expenses to ensure that local researchers who may not need travel funding can still benefit from the program.

Once the study has been completed, funded researchers submit brief reports that make preliminary analyses of these recent events available to a wide audience. You can review recent reports and see the guidelines for submitting a proposal on our website.

The Natural Hazards Center is currently funding such proposals. We encourage you to take a look at the program to see if it matches work you plan to undertake. Contact Jolie Breeden at with any questions.