The Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and the School of Public and International Affairs invites scholars to submit abstracts for a Symposium on Enhancing Resilience to Catastrophic Events through Communicative Planning, to be held November 16-18, 2008, in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Abstracts should respond to one of these three areas of inquiry:

  • What can collaborative processes contribute toward resilience
  • How can we design and conduct collaborative processes to enhance resilience
  • When and under what circumstances can collaborative processes contribute to resilience

Proposals for papers or posters are to be sent by e-mail to The body of the e-mail (no attachments please) should contain:

  • Title of the proposed paper
  • Abstract of less than 300 words
  • Complete address and professional affiliation of all (co)-author(s)

The deadline for proposals is May 15, 2008. View the full call for papers, including detailed submission instructions, here.