Call for Articles
Special Gender Issue of the International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters

The International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters is marking the 10-year anniversary of its first special gender issue with a second issue focusing on gender, to run March 2009. Those interested in submitting an article for this special issue can e-mail Rosalind Houghton at Victoria University of Wellington at or David Johnston at Massey University/GNS Science at Please respond by early August.

Call for Submissions
2008 EERI Annual Graphics Competitions

The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Younger Members Committee is seeking submission for its Annual Graphics Competition encouraging innovative thinking in earthquake-related research. Examples of artwork include but are not limited to pictures, design graphs, mathematical concepts and formulae in graphical formats, logos, computer animations and simulations, and conceptual design. Submitted artwork must be related to earthquake science and engineering, earthquake causes, and consequences of earthquakes. Submission deadline is August 31. For more information and instructions on how to submit your electronic artwork, click here.