Call for Contributions
Disaster Recovery Resources is a new website created to collect, annotate, and share a selection of research results, references, links and other resources related to the long-term recovery phase of a major disaster. The site will collect and share various forms of information that contribute to an understanding of the community recovery process after a major disaster. Contributions from researchers, practitioners, and consultants are essential to the site’s success. To contribute, e-mail Project Manager Claire B. Rubin.

Information/Interview Search
Sara Coren, University College London

Sara Coren of University College London is working in collaboration with ImageCat Inc. to produce a comprehensive National Science Foundation report on the distribution, impact, and urban vulnerability of the 2007 Southern California wildfires. She has information on fire progression and the extent and nature of the damage and is now working to understand fire management and decision making during the event. Coren is specifically interested in information regarding response to the Witch Fire in San Diego County. If you have any information on the Witch Fire, general fire management and decision processes during catastrophic wildfire evolution, or individuals who might be available for an interview, contact Coren by e-mail.

Request for Proposals
2009 Psychology Beyond Borders Mission Awards

Psychology Beyond Borders (PBB) is seeking project proposals for the 2009 PBB Mission Awards. PBB is an international nonprofit organization focusing on the psychosocial impacts of terror attacks, armed conflicts, and natural disasters.

Criteria for Proposals PBB seeks research and action-oriented projects that contribute to at least two of the following five PBB mission areas:

  1. Research contributing to a body of knowledge about which psychosocial strategies — in prevention, large-scale disaster preparedness and response, armed conflict, or terror attacks — are healing or harmful;

  2. Psychosocial service delivery, including partnerships with response teams in communities impacted by large-scale traumatic events;

  3. Education programs raising awareness about psychosocial impacts of disaster, armed conflict, or terror attacks and building community competencies in best-practice methods of preparedness and intervention;

  4. Public policy recommendations assisting in community preparedness and response and recovery associated with large-scale traumatic events; and

  5. Network building that enhances international collaboration, knowledge sharing and systems for prevention, preparedness and response, armed conflict, or terror attacks.

Projects will be evaluated on how they contribute to mission areas, especially research. Preference will be given to those that combine research with more than one other key area.

Project Funding and Duration Projects of $5,000 to $15,000, with expected durations of one year, beginning January 2009, will be funded. To fund more projects, preference will be given to smaller budget projects that focus on a specific population or intervention.

Eligibility Applicants must be affiliated with a university or non-profit organization. PBB encourages applications from international organizations or individuals who represent diversity.

Application Information Application information and details are available on the PBB website. Applications should be received by Friday, September 12. Send applications by e-mail to or by mail to Psychology Beyond Borders, 1000 Rio Grande, Austin, TX, 78701.

Call for Abstracts
National Floodproofing Conference IV

Abstract guidelines for the National Floodproofing Conference in New Orleans, November 16-20, 2008, are now online at Association of State Floodplain Managers website. Abstracts must be submitted by June 13.
The Call for Abstracts targets engineers, architects, and representatives from all levels of government, especially local government. Building officials, floodplain managers, mitigation officers, nonprofit and volunteer organizations, floodproofing material/product suppliers and manufacturers, providers of floodproofing services, home and business owners, the public, and representatives of the banking, insurance, and real estate industries are all invited to submit abstracts for consideration.