Call for Abstracts
2009-2010 Conference: Experiencing Partnerships
Partners in Emergency Preparedness
Deadline: October 15, 2009

Abstracts are being accepted for presentations at the 2009-2010 Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference, April 6-7, in Tacoma, Washington. Presentations should focus on the effective use of partnership in emergency management and be limited to 75 minutes. For more information and to apply, visit the conference website.

Call for Papers
International Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Deadline: November 16, 2009

Papers are now being accepted for the 2010 ISCRAM conference May 2-5 in Seattle. Full research papers, works-in-progress, and practitioner reports will be accepted. Papers focusing on the conference theme of how rapidly changing technology affects crisis response are preferred, although any work on crisis response and management systems is welcome. More information, including track descriptions, submission guidelines, and a calendar of important dates, is available in PDF format.

Call for Papers
Special Issue: Safer School Construction
Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment
Deadline: December 4, 2009

The Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment is now accepting papers for a special issue highlighting disaster-resilient design in building schools. Articles that address improved school construction research, policy, or implementation will be accepted for a double-blind peer review. Five to six will appear in the special issue; others may be considered for future publication. Contact R.P. Haigh for information on how to submit articles.