Call for Papers
Opportunities and Challenges for Geologic Hazards Education Session
2009 Portland Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Deadline: August 11, 2009

Abstracts are being accepted for Opportunities and Challenges for Geologic Hazards Education in Cascadia: In Memory of John Lahr, a topical session to be held at the 2009 Geological Society of America (GSA) meeting in Portland, Oregon, October 18-21. Although title emphasizes Cascadia, contributions about geohazards education in other regions will also be accepted.

Organizers would like contributions from a wide variety of educators, scientists, and government officials involved with geologic hazards education in the Pacific Northwest. They have a special interest in K-12 earth science teachers who feature geologic hazards in their classroom teaching. If a sufficient number of abstracts are submitted, a poster session will be held in addition to presentations. For information on how to submit, visit the GSA Call for Papers.

Call for Submissions
A Policy-Focused Approach to Natural Hazards and Disasters
Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research
Deadline: August 30, 2009

Submissions are now being accepted for a special issue of the Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research. Publishers are looking for cross-disciplinary and transnational papers that examine the causes and consequences of natural disasters, with a special emphasis on crafting comprehensive disaster policy solutions. Topics can include policy frameworks for natural disaster management, public-private disaster management partnerships, risk and vulnerability assessment, global climate change and natural disasters, implementation of disaster mitigation policies, adaptive management and natural disasters, promoting disaster-resilient communities, or transboundary disaster management. For more information, visit the Call for Submissions.

Call for Applications
DISCCRS V Symposium
Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research
Deadline: August 31, 2009

Applications are now being accepted for the Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research (DISCCRS) Symposium at Saguaro Lake Ranch, Arizona, March 13-20. The symposium provides a bird’s eye view of climate-change research across the natural and social sciences and allows scholars to share their research, gain leadership and communication skills, and forge interdisciplinary friendships with peers. Travel and expenses will be provided for the 34 PhD graduates chosen to attend. For eligibility and application information, see the symposia website.