Call for Speakers
57th Annual Conference and EMEX 2009
International Association of Emergency Managers
Deadline: April 24, 2009

The International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) is now accepting applications for speakers for its annual conference in Orlando, Florida, October 29 to November 6. The conference theme will be “Emergency Management: United We Stand.” For more information, including track topics, speaker guidance, and an application, visit the IAEM conference site.

Call for Donations
Annual Conference Silent Auction
Association of State Floodplain Managers
Deadline: June 1, 2009

The Association of State Floodplain Mangers is accepting donations for the silent auction to be held at their annual conference in Orlando, Florida, June 7-12. Items can range from $1 grab bag items to those of greater worth. Proceeds of the auction will support the ASPFM Foundation. Donated items are tax deductible. For more information, visit the ASPFM Silent Auction page.

Call for Papers
Disaster Law Reader
Kathleen A. Bergin and Tracey L. McGough, eds.
Deadline: August 1, 2009

Papers are now being accepted for inclusion in an edited collection of writings related to legal issues and disaster preparation, management, and recovery. Published and unpublished multidisciplinary papers are welcome. Abstracts of works in progress may be submitted before May 1. For more information or to contact the editors, visit Kathleen Bergin’s posting on The Faculty Lounge.