Call for Applications
Fire Prevention and Safety Grants
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Deadline: March 6

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is accepting applications for Fire Prevention and Safety Grants. Grants are awarded for projects that enhance fire safety and mitigate related hazards. High-risk populations and projects that limit high numbers of death and injuries are of special interest. Examples of past projects include fire prevention and public safety education campaigns, juvenile firesetter interventions, media outreach, and arson prevention and awareness programs. For full information, including an applicant tutorial, visit the Firefighters Grant Program page.

Call For Applications
WASIS Workshop
NCAR Societal Impacts Program
Deadline: March 27

The National Center for Atmospheric Research is accepting applications to attend its 2009 WASIS Workshop, to be held August 6-14 in Boulder, Colorado. The WASIS (Weather and Society Integrated Studies) program combines social science with meteorological research and practice.

Twenty-five people will be chosen to attend the workshop. U.S.-based graduate students, scientists, practitioners, professors, and others are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have a degree or commensurate experience in anthropology, communication, economics, emergency management, environmental science, geography, hydrology, meteorology, psychology, public administration, public health, sociology, or another related field. For more information and to apply visit the WASIS website.

Call for Papers
Ghosts of Katrina: Natural Disasters and Community Resilience
Community and Regional Resilience Institute
Deadline: April 15

Paper proposals on disaster resilience and its applications to communities are now being accepted for the Ghosts of Katrina Conference, June 4-5 in Gulfport, Mississippi. Papers are encouraged to address topics that include disaster mitigation and economic, political, and social resilience. For more information, or to submit your proposal, e-mail Jack Covarrubias.