Call for Applications
National PERISHIP Award
The Public Entity Risk Institute and the Natural Hazards Center
Deadline: February 1, 2009
Applications are now being accepted for PERISHIP dissertation fellowships supporting work in natural and human-made hazards, risk, and disasters in all disciplines. Up to four grants of as much as $10,000 each will be awarded in 2009 to support doctoral student dissertation work. Grants can be used for data collection, travel, software purchase, data entry assistance, statistical analysis services, or similar purposes. Eligible candidates must be “all but dissertation” at a U.S. educational institution by the application deadline and have an approved dissertation proposal. Non-U.S. citizens may apply if a U.S. institution will grant their doctoral degree. For complete information and application instructions, visit the award website.

Call for Submissions
To The Rescue: Stories from Healthcare Workers at the Scene of Disaster
Kaplan Publishing
Deadline: February 21, 2009

Kaplan Publishing is soliciting the firsthand accounts of nurses, doctors, paramedics and other healthcare workers for the anthology To The Rescue: Stories from Healthcare Workers at the Scene of Disaster. First-person stories of 1,000 to 2,500 words detailing personal experiences in disaster zones and how relief work has shaped your life will be considered for final publication. Payment for selected stories will be $100 and two copies of the finished book. Multiple submissions are acceptable. For full guidelines, formatting and how to submit, e-mail Kerry-Ann Morris.

Call for Applications
Florida Sea Grant
Climate Change Resiliency Research and Outreach Program
Deadline: February 23, 2009

Pre-proposals for one- or two-year projects dealing with natural hazards and climate change resilience are now being accepted for possible funding. The goal of the multi-agency initiative is to develop information, technology, products, or policies to increase resilience to coastal natural hazards and sea level rise. Federal funds for each selected project will not exceed $200,000 per year for two years. Non-federal matching funds are required at 50 percent of the federal amount. Program stipulations apply. For more information, including the six resilience priorities, visit the grant website.