Call for Session Proposals
Natural Hazards Workshop
The Natural Hazards Center
Deadline: December 31

The Natural Hazards Center wants to hear your ideas on session topics for the 2009 Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop. The annual workshop is a dynamic forum that showcases diverse opinions and perspectives from the hazards and disasters community. The 2009 Workshop will be held July 14-17 at the Omni Interlocken Resort just outside of Boulder, Colorado. At the Workshop, hazards researchers, practitioners, and students discuss the latest issues in hazards and disasters, society’s efforts to address them, and ways to improve those efforts. But these discussions don’t happen in a vacuum—that’s why we need your input. We’ll take your thoughts, mix in our own, and try to stir up some of the stimulating discussions for which our Workshop is known. So, please take a moment to fill out our online form and let us know what you want to talk about in July.

Call for Applications
Enabling the Next Generation of Hazards and Disasters Researchers
North Carolina State University
Deadline: February 15

Applications are now being accepted for Enabling the Next Generation of Hazards and Disasters Researchers, a National Science Foundation-funded program that supports junior faculty members building careers in the area of hazards and disasters through mentoring and training. Up to 16 fellows will be selected for the two-year program. Fellows will be introduced to methods and theoretical perspectives in disasters and hazards research, have the opportunity to meet with leading researchers in the field, and work closely with project mentors to plan and develop their careers. Activities include writing scholarly articles, book proposals, and grant proposals. Fellows will be selected through a competitive application process. Tenure-track faculty members who have not attained tenure and promotion are eligible to apply. Applications from underrepresented groups such as women, racial, and ethnic minorities are especially encouraged. The fellowship covers travel expenses and offers a modest stipend. Application materials and other information are available at the project website. Questions can be directed to Tom Birkland at 919-513-7799 or