Call for Participation
Evacuation Decision Making Survey
Georgetown University
Deadline: None set

Georgetown University researchers are asking emergency managers to complete an online questionnaire about evacuation decision making. Responses will be used for research sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The brief questionnaire is available online. The survey takes less than five minutes to complete and participants who share their e-mail address are entered into a drawing to win a Georgetown University sweatshirt. E-mails will be discarded after the drawing and are not connected to survey responses. To learn more about the research project or ask questions, contact Professor Robin Dillon.

Call for Papers
International Community on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Deadline: January 9, 2009

Research papers, research-in-progress papers, and practitioner presentations on information systems for crisis response and management are now being accepted. Submissions can be made for any of nine general tracks or a specific session in a track. For more information on tracks and sessions, word limits, and how to submit, visit the ISCRAM website.

Call for Applications
Young Scientists Summer Program
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Deadline: November 19, 2009

Applications are being accepted for the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Young Scientists Summer Program—a three-month residency offering research opportunities to students whose interests correspond with IIASA’s ongoing research on global environmental, economic, and social change issues. This year’s program runs from June 1 through August 31. Candidates should have a level of research experience typical for a student about two years away from receiving a doctorate or equivalent degree. For more information about the program and how to submit an application, visit IIASA Young Scientists.