Call for Registration
Community-Based Disaster Management Online Course

The International Institute for Sustainable Development at Colorado State University is accepting registrations for an online course in Community-Based Disaster Management. The five-week course begins September 12 and will cover basic concepts and models of disaster risk management, approaches to community-based disaster management, the role of non-governmental organizations, and tools and methods for disaster management planning. The $345-course qualifies students for two continuing education credits. Registration ends September 9. More information is available on the class website.

Call for Papers
Population Dynamics and Hurricane Katrina
Population and Environment

Population and Environment is seeking papers that examine the demographic dimensions of hurricane events—with a focus on the implications of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita—for a special edition to be called Population Dynamics and Hurricane Katrina. Although event-specific, papers should improve broader understanding and theory about associations between population and environment. Contributions based on quantitative and qualitative data, as well as policy dimensions are encouraged. To have a paper considered, submit a note of interest, including a short overview of topic of inquiry by Friday, September 26, to guest editors Bill Frey and Audrey Singer. Completed manuscripts will be due Friday, November 14, and should be formatted in accordance with Population and Environment guidelines.