Call for Papers
2009 Annual Association of American Geographers

The Association of American Geographers is now accepting papers, interactive short papers, abstracts, illustrated papers, and poster presentations for its 2009 annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 22-27, 2009. Submissions must received by October 16, 2008. Presenters are invited to give one presentation that describes the purpose, methods, and conclusions of their research. Abstracts can be submitted online after participants have registered. For submission guidelines in each category, visit the Annual Meeting website.

Survey Respondents
UN/ISDR Hospitals Safe from Disaster Initiative Mapping Study

The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction is partnering with the World Health Organization to map efforts that keep hospitals, health systems, and other healthcare providers safe during disaster. Organizations and others working with the issue of healthcare safety during disaster are asked to complete a short survey on their work. The results will be compiled and published by the UN/ISDR. The survey can be taken online.