Call for Entries
Business Continuity Paper of the Year Competition
Continuity Central and the Business Continuity and Resiliency Journal
Deadline: February 28, 2013

Continuity Central and the Business Continuity and Resiliency Journal are now accepting papers and articles to be considered for their Business Continuity Paper of the Year Competition. Submissions should be unpublished, between 2,000 to 5,000 words long, and related to business continuity, disaster recovery, resiliency, emergency management, crisis management, or similar topics. Winning entries will receive $800 and be published in the Business Continuity and Resiliency Journal. For more information on how to submit your entry, visit the competition website.

Call for Participation
Local Governments and Cities Feedback Survey
UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Deadline: March 5, 2013

The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction is seeking feedback from representatives of cities and local governments on the Post 2015 Disaster Risk Reduction Framework. Responses to the 10-minute survey will be used to better incorporate the needs of cities and local governments into national and global priorities. Visit the survey website to participate.

Call for Feedback
Review of New Standards for Flood Hazard Mapping
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Deadline: March 8, 2013

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is accepting reviews of its new standards for flood hazard mapping. The new standards were written to more clearly delineate mandatory standards from recommended guidance. Visit the review page on the FEMA website to read the standards draft or submit comments.