Call for Papers
Disasters, Displacements, and Human Rights
University of Tennessee
Deadline: December 1, 2012

The Anthropology Department of the University of Tennessee is accepting papers for presentation at the Disasters, Displacements, and Human Rights symposium to be held February 8-9 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Papers should help “frame the field” of the new DDHR program by addressing topics such as holistic approaches to studying DDHR, culturally specific ideas and human rights, triggers of modern disaster, and common denominators of disasters. See the conference website for full details and information on how to submit an abstract.

Call for Abstracts
2013 Training Conference
National Hydrologic Warning Council
Deadline: December 1, 2012

The National Hydrologic Warning Council is accepting abstracts for its 2013 Training Conference to be held June 3-6 in Ponte Vedra, Florida. Abstracts related to drought, planning and preparation, response and recovery, and other topics will be accepted. For more information and additional submission categories, see the conference website.

Call for Presentations
World Conference on Disaster Management
World Conference on Disaster Management
Deadline: December 2, 2012

The chair of the World Conference on Disaster Management is accepting abstracts of presentations to be given at the conference, June 23-26 in Toronto, Canada. Preference will be given to abstracts on business continuity management, emergency management, crisis communication, and resilience. Abstracts should also conform to conference goals. For more on conference goals, presentation formats, and other criteria, see the call for presentations Web page.