Call for Session Proposals
Research Committee on Disasters
International Sociological Association
Deadline: September 1, 2012

The International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology is accepting session proposals for the Research Committee on Disasters (RC-39) session at its 2014 meeting, to be held July 13-19 in Yokohama, Japan. Those interested should send a three- to five-sentence description, along with other relevant details, to Lori Peek or Sudha Arlikatti. For more information, visit the call for proposals Web page.

Call for Participation
Essay and Photo Contest
U.S. Gender and Disaster Resilience Alliance and EMPOWER
Deadline: September 30, 2012

The U.S. Gender and Disaster Resilience Alliance and EMPOWER are accepting entries into an essay and photo contest celebrating women and girls' disaster risk reduction efforts. The contest theme is aligned with the UNISDR 2012 International Day of Disaster Reduction. Children in kindergarten through 12th grade are encouraged to submit a picture, photo, or essay that portrays ways in which they’ve seen women and girls work to reduce disaster risk. For full information and submission instructions, visit the contest rules online.

Call for Participation
Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction Online Dialogues
UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Deadline: November 30, 2012

The UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction will be holding its first round of dialogues on the future of disaster risk reduction beginning August 27. Participants are invited to share their thoughts regarding the Post-2015 Framework in an online, professionally facilitated discussion. Background information for the discussions can be found in Towards a Post-2015 Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.