Call for Participation
Firewise Calendar Photo Contest
National Fire Protection Association
Deadline: March 16, 2012

The National Fire Protection Association is accepting photos to be included in its 2013 Firewise Calendar. Photos of plants and landscaping that minimize fire risk will be reviewed for use in the calendar. Winning entrants will receive a $25 gift card. Visit the Firewise website for more details.

Call for Presentations
Fifth Spatial Sociocultural Knowledge Workshop
Cranfield University
Deadline: March 17, 2012

Cranfield University is accepting proposals of 250 words or less for presentations at its Fifth Spatial Sociocultural Knowledge Workshop to be held June 19 in Shrivenham, England. The conference examines how a geospatial framework can support disaster relief operations and humanitarian efforts.

Call for Applications
Dam Safety Scholarship
Association of State Dam Safety Officials
Deadline: March 31, 2012

The Association of State Dam Safety Officials is accepting applications for its annual undergraduate scholarship. Scholarships of up to $10,000 will be awarded to students enrolled in engineering programs or preparing for careers related to the design, construction, or operation of dams. Students planning to graduate in 2013 are eligible to apply.

Call for Nominations
Gilbert F. White Distinguished Lecture Award
American Geophysical Union Natural Hazards Focus Group
Deadline: April 15, 2012

The Natural Hazards Focus Group of the American Geophysical Union is accepting nominations for its first annual Gilbert F. White Distinguished Lecture Award, which will recognize contributions to the knowledge of natural hazards and disaster risk. Nominees must be active AGU members with a substantive body of work in hazards or disaster risk research. For full nomination instructions, visit the award website. Self-nominations are not accepted.