Call for Applications
Harvard Fire Executive Fellowship Program
U.S. Fire Administration, International Association of Fire Chiefs, and others
Deadline: February 21, 2012

Applications are now being accepted for Harvard Fire Executive Fellowships to attend one of two programs to be held in June and July in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Applicants should be senior fire executives, have significant career accomplishments, and have the potential to facilitate change in the public sector. Finalists are required to present a five-year plan describing how they’ll use the fellowship to improve fire and EMS services.

Call for Applications
Public Health Policy Fellowship Program
Association of Schools of Public Health
Deadline: February 22, 2012

The Association of Schools of Public Health is accepting applications for its 12-month fellowship program, which provides hands-on policy experience in a congressional or executive office. Fellows will have the opportunity to network with policymakers and public health experts and participate in the legislative process. Applicants must hold an MPH or doctorate in public health by the beginning of the fellowship. Early career professionals are welcome to apply.

Call for Applications
Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grants
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Deadline: February 24, 2012

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is accepting applications for SAFER Grants to support firefighter staffing and volunteer recruitment. Career fire departments, combination agencies, and volunteer fire departments are eligible to receive grant funds. FEMA recommends potential applicants review the application tutorial before submitting.

Call for Abstracts
Fifth International Symposium
Tsunami Society International
Deadline: February 29, 2012

Tsunami Society International is now accepting abstracts for presentation at its International Symposium to be held August 31 through September 1 as a special session of the International Disaster and Risk Conference in Davos, Switzerland. Abstracts of 300 words or less should be address new concepts for tsunami management, mitigation, or risk assessment. Full details are available online.