Call for Abstracts
Public Health Preparedness Summit
Public Health Preparedness Summit Planning Committee
Deadline: August 19, 2011

The Public Health Preparedness Summit planning committee is accepting abstracts to be presented at the annual summit, February 21-24 in Anaheim, California. Abstracts that showcase resources, tools, and best practices in advancing public health preparedness will be accepted in four categories—interactive, workshop, poster, and sharing sessions. Priority will be given to submissions that focus on National Public Health Preparedness Priority Areas or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Preparedness Capabilities.

Call for Applications
Public Affairs Internship
American Geophysical Union
Deadline: September 12, 2011

The American Geophysical Union is accepting scholarships for its fall public affairs internship. The three-month paid internship based in Washington, D.C., will include opportunities to attend earth- and space-science-related congressional hearings, publish articles on the AGU's website and in its newsletter, and learn the public policy process as it relates to climate change, natural resources, space policy, and natural hazards. Preference will be given to candidates with excellent writing skills, online research abilities, and coursework in communications or earth, space, or political science.

Call for Participation
Annual Geoscience Congressional Visits Day
American Geological Institute
Deadline: September 20, 2011

The American Geological Institute is encouraging geoscientists to spend a day in Washington, D.C., promoting lawmaker understanding of geoscience and geoscience engineering. Those participating in the two-day AGI event will receive an overview on conducting congressional visits, relevant legislation, and related federal programs on the first day, followed by visits with legislators on the second day. More information on the program is available on the AGI website.