Call for Participation
Emergency Access Advisory Committee Survey
Federal Communications Commission
Deadline: April 24, 2011

The Federal Communications Commission’s Emergency Access Advisory Committee is conducting a survey to determine how senior citizens and people with disabilities would prefer to contact 911 in an era of extensive technology. The committee is encouraging seniors and the disabled to complete the 10-15 minute survey, and others to spread the word.

Call for Applications
Assessing Public Health in Emergency Situations
The Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
Deadline: April 30, 2011

The Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters is accepting applications for a course in Assessing Public Health in Emergency Situations to be held in July 4-15 in Brussels, Belgium. The course will include theory, case studies, and a situational exercise. Professionals with experience in emergency management or the humanitarian sector are welcome to apply.

Call for Signatures
Proposed Disasters and Crisis Working Group
American Political Science Association
Deadline: Summer 2011

Signatures are being collected in an attempt to create more synergy among political and other social scientists working on issues of recovery and resilience. The signature drive would create a new Disaster and Crisis group within the American Political Science Association. Fifty or more member signatures are required to create the group. Contact organizer Daniel P. Aldrich at the link above for more information on the group and how you can help.

Call for Participation
Communication of Probability Statements for Crisis Decision Making Survey
Massey University Joint Centre for Disaster Research
Deadline: Not listed

The Massey University Joint Centre for Disaster Research is soliciting participants for an online survey assessing perceptions of probabilistic warnings and forecasts. Survey results will help determine effective methods for framing probabilistic warnings and improve communications between scientists and emergency managers in crisis decision making. Emergency managers and responders, public safety officials, and those involved the science of natural hazards are encouraged to take the 15-20 minute survey.