Call for Applications
2011 DHS Scholarship and Fellowship Program
Department of Homeland Security
Deadline: January 5, 2011

The Department of Homeland Security is accepting application for its 2011 Scholarship and Fellowship program. The program supports students interested in using science and technology to develop counter-terrorism measures. Students currently studying engineering, technology, math, or a homeland security research area—including community and infrastructure resilience, emergency preparedness and response, social and behavioral sciences, and transportation security—are eligible to apply. Application guidance and an online scholarship form are available on the program website.

Call for Comments
Transportation of Hazardous Materials, Highway Routing
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Deadline: January 13, 2011

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is accepting comments on extending a program that collects information from states and tribes. The information is used to designate highway routes and restrictions for the transport of hazardous materials. The FMCSA is seeking comment on ways to reduce the burden of collection, the appropriateness the collection request, and other feedback that could be used to enhance the usefulness of the data collected.

Call for Evaluators
Comprehensive Disaster Management Harmonized Implementation Programme
Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency
Deadline: January 15, 2011

The United Kingdom Department for International Development is requesting proposals for a mid-term evaluation of the Comprehensive Disaster Management Harmonized Implementation Programme. The program, which is managed by the Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency, is a five-year effort to enhance institutional support for and community resilience to climate variability and disaster. The two-person evaluation team should have at least five years of evaluation experience and include at least one disaster risk reduction specialist with extensive Caribbean knowledge. Contact Cisne Pascal or Lisa Rodriguez for more information.

Call for Proposals
Disaster Resilience for Rural Communities
National Science Foundation and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Deadline: March 4, 2011

The National Science Foundation and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are accepting proposals for engineering, social, behavioral, or economic research that promises to enhance the resilience of rural communities to disaster. The agencies expect to support multiple proposals of $400,000 or less, up to a total of $2 million. More information on proposal criteria, budget requirements, and submission are available online.