Call for Applications
The Alliance Steering Committee
The Alliance for Integrative Approaches to Extreme Environmental Events
Deadline: February 28, 2017
The newly formed Alliance for Integrative Approaches to Extreme Environmental Events is accepting applications to serve on its steering committee. The committee will be made up of 12-24 researchers and practitioners from relevant disciplines and organizations and will help set the course for Alliance activities. Members will serve three-year terms. For more information and to submit an application, visit the Alliance website.
Call for Presentations
National Disaster Resilience Conference
Federal Alliance for Safe Homes
Deadline: March 2, 2017
The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes is accepting abstracts for presentation at its National Disaster Resilience Conference to be held October 25-27 in Atlanta, Georgia. Presentations should focus on topics such as science that support preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation and policies that advance resilience. For more information, visit the conference website.
Call for Applications
National Expedition and Internship
Massey University
Deadline: March 15, 2017
Massey University in New Zealand is accepting application for its National Expedition and Internship program in Disaster Risk and Emergency Management this summer. Those chosen for the program will complete a two-week expedition through New Zealand and four weeks of internship experience. For more information on the program, itinerary, costs, and academic requirements, visit the Expedition website.
Call for Applications
Wildfire Community Preparedness Day Grants
National Fire Protection Association
Deadline: March 3, 2017
The National Fire Protection Association is accepting applications for Wildfire Community Preparedness Day grants. Each grant is $500 and is available to help communities create wildfire hazard mitigation projects. For full details on the application process and examples of past winning projects, visit the NFPA Preparedness Day web page.