The Natural Hazards Center and the Gender and Disaster Network are happy to name Chaman Pincha as the 2009 Mary Fran Myers Award winner. The Mary Fran Myers award recognizes disaster professionals who continue Myers’ goal of promoting research on gender issues in disasters and emergency management.

Pincha’s independent research has played a vital role in integrating gender concerns with disaster management in humanitarian organizations in India. Her belief that research should support policy change and assist communities at risk has led her to use her talents and resources to bring free education to the public.

Pincha, who has a Master of Philosophy in English literature from Madras University and studied political science and economics as an undergraduate, has been able to translate voices from the field into platforms useful to academics, policymakers, practitioners, and the community. She is an active, contributing member of the Gender and Disaster Network community of practice.

For a more detailed description of Pincha’s work, visit the Mary Fran Myers Award winner page at the Natural Hazards Center website.