8October 12-14, 2014
Normative Aspects of Resilience
Global Forum on Urban and Regional Resilience
Arlington, Virginia
Cost and Registration: Free, closes October 10

This conference will look at the ethical and normative aspects of resilience in urban and regional settings. Topics include normative aspects in current narratives of resilient cities, tensions in building resiliency, planning and policy issues that contribute to social inequity, and conceptual frameworks for addressing normative issues in resilience research and practice.

October 22-24, 2014
Canadian Risk and Hazard Network Symposium
Canadian Risk and Hazard Network
Toronto, Canada
Cost and Registration: $595, closes October 16

This annual symposia examines the multiple dimensions of risk management and disaster reduction from and interdisciplinary viewpoint. Topics include critical infrastructure protection, managing arctic risks, cybersecurity, risk insurance, aboriginal disaster resilience, technological threats, and coastal hazards.

October 27-30, 2014
National Flood Mitigation and Flood Proofing Workshop
Association of State Floodplain Managers
Broomfield, Colorado
Cost and Registration: $300 before October 4, open until filled

This workshop will offer tools and techniques that to reduce flood risks and look at the latest thinking in flood mitigation and flood proofing. Topics include recent Colorado flooding, public policy and programs, engineered mitigation, project formulation and funding, and natural mitigation concepts.

November 19-21, 2014
Annual FLASH Conference
Federal Alliance for Safe Homes
Orlando, Florida
Cost and Registration: $400, open until filled

This conference will focus on best practices, lessons learned and innovations in disaster safety with an emphasis on resilience. Topics include climate resilience and disaster safety, resilience in residential construction, science and communication strategies, volunteer organizations, and resilient building codes.

November 20-23, 2014
Global Crisis Communications Conference
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Cost and Registration: $890, open until filled

This conference examines the necessity of effective crisis communications for organizations and governments and how they can be achieved. Topics include social media and crisis communications, crises and reputation, managing the media during crisis, environmental crises, managing misinformation, water crises communication, and measuring communication impacts.