September 16, 2011
Eighth Annual Emergency Preparedness Conference
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Cost and Registration: $60, open until filled

This conference will help hospitals and emergency medicine departments prepare for large-scale incidents, learn how to assess hazard impacts, and develop policies to handle demand surge and other impacts of mass casualty events. Topics include weapons of mass destruction incidents, specialized EMS operations in large-scale incidents, mass casualty trauma operations, and radiation exposure.

September 19-20, 2011
Natural Disaster Health Workforce National Conference
National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health
Washington, D.C.
Cost and Registration: Free, open until filled

This conference is meant to inform the NCDMP Report on Health Professions Workforce by discussing workforce supply, volunteers, challenges, and case studies. Topics include natural disasters such as the Joplin tornado, how federal response can assist local officials, and the future of the health workforce. Breakout groups will discuss cross-cutting issues and case study methods.

October 11-13, 2011
Emergency Management Expo and Conference
International Association of Emergency Managers Europa
Munich, Germany
Cost and Registration: $620, open until filled

This conference and expo will provide opportunities for networking, learning about emergency management trends, and seeing the latest technology and resources. Topics include disaster-ready airports, social media for emergency managers, corporate infrastructure resilience, teaching business continuity, and disaster medicine.

October 13, 2011
Buildings at Risk: Earthquake Loss Reduction Summit
Structural Engineers Association of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Cost and Registration: $95, open until filled

This conference will increase seismic risk awareness, teach about earthquake risk mitigation, and highlight the role of structural engineers in earthquake-safe housing. Topics include earthquake forecasting and decision making in a low probability environment, the results of mitigation in earthquake recovery, tall building mitigation, and earthquake loss reduction policies.

November 17-18, 2011
Spaces and Flows Conference
Monash University
Prato, Italy
Cost and Registration: $450, open until filled

This conference will examine the forces that create cities, suburbs, and rural areas through the lenses of geography, sociology, technology, and the environment. Using a mix of plenary and concurrent sessions, as well as a “talking circle” concept, attendees will discuss topics that include sustainable cities, community vitality, migration flow, and urban recovery after natural disasters.

December 6-9, 2011
Rivers 2011
River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre
Penang, Malaysia
Cost and Registration: $500, closes October 1

This conference will examine the effect of climate change on the world’s rivers and attempt to formulate sustainable solutions for flooding and water scarcity. Topics include innovations in urban drainage, floodplain and river rehabilitation, land use planning for watersheds, water-related hazards and disasters, and flood forecasting.