November 14-17, 2016
International Smoke Symposium
International Association of Wildland Fire
Long Beach, California
Cost and Registration: $620, open until filled
This conference will address smoke-related issues including social implications, climate impacts, modeling and field management. Topic include remote sensing data for smoke monitoring, fuel management and fire planning, U.S. Forest Service smoke management tools, wildfire smoke and health, and bushfires and planned burns in Australia.
November 16-17, 2016
Measuring Personal Environmental Exposure Workshop
National Academy of Sciences
Washington, D.C.
Cost and Registration: No Information available
This workshop will examine advances and challenges in personal environmental exposure measurement, which attempts to assess individual health impacts of contact with environmental toxins. Topics will include trends in measurement, emerging capabilities, communication practices, and online mapping. The meeting will also be webcast.
November 17-18, 2016
Humanitarian Evidence
Evidence Aid
Washington, D.C.
Cost and Registration: $225, open until filled
This conference addresses access to evidence-based disaster information and how it can be used to inform decisions when responding to or preparing for disasters and humanitarian emergencies. Topics include identifying gaps in the disaster response evidence base, evidence and improved return on public health investments, changing emergency responder behavior, infectious diseases in the areas of conflict, and preventing under-nutrition during emergencies.
January 22-26, 2017
AMS Annual Meeting
American Meteorological Society
Seattle, Washington
Cost and Registration: $625 before December 1, register by January 20
This annual meeting will focus on obtaining necessary science-driven observations to support weather prediction, situational awareness, societal impacts, and the many other factors informed by meteorology. Topics include advances in numerical weather prediction, big data in the coastal environment, meteotsunami detection, remote sensing of airborne particulates, space weather predictions, connecting weather to human health, and wind resource assessments.
March 1-3, 2017
Climate Leadership Conference
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Chicago, Illinois
Cost and Registration: $995 before December 18, open until filled
This conference examines climate change in the context of policy and business to gain insights that lead to greater resilience, best practices, and innovative funding of climate solutions. Topics include leveraging environmental markets, transforming the energy grid, driving subnational climate action, managing energy and carbon risk, and cultivating a climate culture.