December 1-2, 2016
Unconventional Hydrocarbon Development Workshop
National Academy of Sciences
Washington, D.C.
Cost and Registration: Free, open until filled
This workshop will look at the lifecycle of unconventional technologies in shale and oil development and the relationship of fluid injection practices to induced seismicity. Topics include understanding legacy issues, managing risk, decommissioning and reclaiming wells, environmental restoration, mitigating induced earthquakes, and regulatory challenges. The event can be attended in person or via Webcast.
December 12-14, 2016
Cambridge Conference on Catastrophic Risk
Center for the Study of Existential Risk
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cost and Registration: Free, open until filled
This conference will look at the potential risks of extreme technologies, including artificial intelligence and bioengineering. Topics include depreciating biodiversity, climate and environmental risks; understanding risk and mitigation strategies; and future ecosystem risk.
December 12-16, 2016
AGU Fall Meeting
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California
Cost and Registration: $585, open until filled
This meeting will present the latest advances, challenges, and research in earth and space science. The meeting features more than 1,700 sessions on topics that include atmospheric science, hydrology, planetary science, public affairs, seismology, volcanology, ocean sciences, and natural hazards.
December 13-14, 2016
Advancing and Redefining Communities for Emergency Management (ARC) Conference
Emergency Management for Community Collaborative
Washington, D.C.
Cost and Registration: $575, open until filled
This conference will discuss evidence-based emergency management tools and practices that enhance disaster resilience for local and global communities. Topics include including veterans in resilience planning, international global health preparedness techniques, technological approaches to response and recovery education, and preparing nurses to lead disaster preparedness.
February 6-9, 2017
Coastal GeoTools 2017
Association of State Floodplain Managers
Charleston, South Carolina
Cost and Registration: $375 before December 12, open until filled
This conference will focus on providing coastal resource management professionals with the latest geospatial data, tools, technology, and information. Topics include advances in national data access, planning for resilience, marine habitat mapping, sea level rise planning, post storm data collection, and tools for visualizing infrastructure risk and impacts.