March 10-12, 2019
Wind Effects on Buildings and Urban Environments
Tokyo Polytechnic University
Tokyo, Japan
Cost and registration: $65, open until filled
This workshop will examine recent research and advancements in structural and environmental wind engineering with an emphasis on further understanding in international contexts. Topics include meteorology and wind engineering, urban thermal environments, façade engineering, environmental wind simulation, pollution dispersion, and disaster-related damage.
March 18-21, 2019
Geoscience and Society Summit
American Geophysical Union
Stockholm, Sweden
Cost and registration: $850, open until filled
This summit will address challenges related to the sustainability of natural resources, global health, and resilience from both local and global perspectives. Topics include energy sustainability, climate change and ocean health, water and agricultural resilience, and environmental hazards, human health, and social justice.
April 13-16, 2019
National Planning Conference
American Planning Association
San Francisco, California
Cost and registration: $840, register by March 13
This conference will focus on the latest trends and research, emerging issues, and best practices in planning from a wide variety of viewpoints. Topics include disaster resilience and climate change, planning and health, inclusiveness and social justice, technology, transportation considerations, community-level development, and housing and economics.
May 20-24, 2019
U.S.-Netherlands Resilience Forum
Florida Earth Foundation U.S. Netherlands Connection Program
Delft, The Netherlands
Cost and registration: $1,950, expenses included, register before April 1
This forum will look at innovations at the nexus of nature and the built environment, as well as how the built environment can be used, especially in the water space, to facilitate sustainability. The forum will tour several venues, including Amsterdam, The Hague, Lieden, and Rotterdam, to explore how cities increasing in size and population can accommodate quality of life needs and environmental concerns.
June 10-12, 2019
NEEDS Conference
Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Cost and registration: $300 before March 31, open until filled
This annual Northern European conference on emergency and disaster studies looks at the challenges of crisis and disaster research and intervention in an interdisciplinary perspective. This year’s conference will focus on nature, society, and scale with topics that include slow onset disasters, challenges in interorganizational response, cultural process and accountability, the ethics of digital technology in disaster, gender contexts in recurring disasters, disaster diplomacy, and crisis governance.