February 9-13, 2009
FEPA 2009 Annual Conference
Florida Emergency Preparedness Association
Orlando, Florida
Cost and Registration: $250 nonmember, open until filled

Local, state, and federal emergency management professionals will meet to improve natural disaster preparation, response, and recovery. A wide range of topics will be covered, including rapid assessment planning, wind and surge probability, and long-term recovery innovations.

February 11-14, 2009
2009 EERI Annual Meeting
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute and Western States Seismic Policy Council
Salt Lake City, Utah
Cost and Registration: $650, closes January 21

The theme of this year’s conference is “Earthquake Risk Reduction: Are Voluntary Actions the Key?” The conference will examine issues such as voluntary hazard ordinance adoption, challenges of seismic rehabilitation projects, and more.

March 2-3, 2009
Summit on the National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges
Duke University, University of Southern California, and Olin College
Durham, North Carolina
Cost and Registration: $190, open until filled

This conference brings together engineering, science, humanities, and social science scholars from across the nation to articulate challenges and opportunities related to the National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges and stimulate conversations about the importance of engineering and science that enhances quality of life.

March 5-6, 2009
18th Annual Land Use Conference
The Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute
Denver, Colorado
Cost and Registration: Not posted

The conference, entitled Sustainability: Beyond the Platitudes, will examine the need for a paradigm shift in societal attitudes, laws, and governing structures to achieve long-term sustainability. Proposed topics include the exploration of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies such as natural disaster planning, floodplain management and regulation, and drought adaptation.

March 29-April 1, 2009
DRJ Spring World
Disaster Recovery Journal
Orlando, Florida
Cost and Registration: $895 before January 29, open until filled

This conference is designed to provide business continuity solutions. Session topics include the future of disaster recovery, community preparation for pandemics, and incident management plan assessment. A mock disaster exercise will also be held.

March 30-31, 2009
Summit on America’s Climate Choices
The National Academies
Washington, D.C.
Cost and registration: Not posted

The summit is an opportunity for the Climate Choices Committee and panel members to interact with scientists, engineers, public health officials, members of Congress, and federal agency officials. Summit attendees will frame the study questions to be addressed by the committee, which was formed in response to a congressional request for advice on addressing the changing climate.

May 4-8, 2009
Sustaining the Millennium Development Goals
International Center for Remote Sensing of Environment, The Joint Centre of the European Commission, and others
Stresa, Italy
Cost and Registration: $509 before March 6, open until filled

The symposium focuses on the use of earth observation systems and airborne techniques to understand and manage the environment and natural resources. Sessions will examine disaster reduction and response, risk assessment and mitigation, early warning systems, and emergency response and damage assessment.