October 8-9, 2008
Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Conference
Homeland Defense Journal
New Orleans, Louisiana
Cost and Registration: $449 government, $499 small business, and $549 industry

This conference covers aspects of emergency management planning and response for communities, agencies, and organizations. National, state, and local experts can come together to discuss disasters impacts on their communities and organizations.

October 19-22, 2008
CZAP Conference 2008: Sustainable Coast and Better Life
Coastal Zone Asia Pacific Association (CZAP)
Qingdao, China
Cost and Registration: $240 pre-registration, $300 at event

Sustainable development of coastal resources and how to manage coasts while coping with climate change and expanding populations will be emphasized.

October 21-22, 2008
Aerial Firefighting Conference 2008
International Association of Wildland Fire, UNISDR, and others
Athens, Greece
Cost and Registration: Not posted

This event examines fixed- and rotary-winged aerial technology, as well as techniques for fighting forest fires in low-populated areas, agricultural wildfires, and fires in highly populated urban and high-rise environments.

October 21-24, 2008
First World Conference on Disaster Management
Disaster Management, Infrastructure, and Control Society
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cost and Registration: $200 before September 30, $225 at event

This conference provides a platform for disaster prevention discussion and planning and disseminates information to a wide section of society. Conference topics include creating awareness among vulnerable communities and disseminating warnings to first responders in at-risk communities , particularly in developing countries.

November 5-9, 2008
Fifth Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Cost and Registration: $710 non-member

This multisector, multidisciplinary conference of Canadian academics, government scientists, and practitioners evaluates hazard and disaster knowledge in Canada and recommends ways to reduce vulnerability.

November 6-8, 2008
Backyards and Beyond 2008
Firewise Communities
Tampa, Florida
Cost and Registration: $225 before October 10, $225 after; $275 at the event

This conference shares best practices used in wildland/urban interfaces, provides opportunities to learn from those in the field, and encourages networking between local and international fire communities.

November 16-19, 2008
Rebuilding Sustainable Communities for Children and Their Families After Disasters
Center for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities After Disasters
Boston, Massachusetts
Cost and Registration: $225 until filled

This conference aims to bring specialists from various disciplines to explore ways to reconstruct sustainable communities that are safe for children and their families following disaster. Experts will make recommendations for increasing safe, sustainable reconstruction.

November 19-20, 2008
Geomatics Atlantic 2008: Discovering the Way to Sustainable Future
Canadian Institute of Geomatics New Brunswick Branch
New Brunswick, Canada
Cost and Registration: $300 non-member price until September 30th, $350 after

This conference focuses on sustainable community planning, including a track examining coastal and river flood mapping u sing LiDAR. Academics, practitioners, vendors, and policy makers are encouraged to attend.

November 21, 2008
2008 COSMOS Technical Session
Consortium of Organizations for Strong Motion Observation Systems
Oakland, California
Cost and Registration: $240 non-member price until filled

This year’s technical session addresses ground motion selection and scaling site analysis, as well as geotechnical evaluations. Presentations will include ground motion time histories and how site-specific response analysis links to structural design in building codes.

December 11, 2008
RUSI Workshop: Emergency Response 2008
Royal United Services Institute
London, England
Cost and Registration: Not yet booking, see website

This workshop looks at organizations involved in emergency response, training and preparation and ways lessons learned can be used to inform future response.