September 10, 2008
Sixth Annual International Emergency Preparedness Symposium
Manhattan, New York
Cost: Free
Registration: Open until filled

This symposium invites emergency preparedness specialists to share their expertise with healthcare professionals, emergency response personnel, and community leaders, creating opportunities for better preparedness in future emergencies.

September 22-27, 2008
The 88’ Fires: Yellowstone and Beyond
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Cost: $385
Registration: Closes September 2, 2008, online

The conference is focused on lessons learned from past and present fire management practices and scientific research to improve current management.

October 26-29, 2008
27th Annual Submerged Lands Management Conference
Traverse City, Michigan
Cost: $350
Registration: Closes October 17, 2008

This conference aims to increase awareness of submerged land management issues, stimulate discussion of alternatives to use of submerged lands, and encourage the exchange of ideas between submerged land managers and similar groups.

November 21-23, 2008
Australian Earthquake Engineering Conference (AEES) 2008
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Cost: Not yet posted
Registration: Early registration closes Oct. 21, 2008

The theme for this year’s conference is open to encourage the participation of all individuals involved in earthquake engineering or engineering seismology. Topics will include engineering- and seismology-related issues and extreme events such as blast, tsunami, critical infrastructure protection, emergency management and insurance.

December 1-4, 2008
Next Generation Warning Services Workshop
Norman, Oklahoma
Cost: Free
Registration: Closes November 26, 2008

The workshop will bring technical and operation experts from private weather enterprise, the broadcast media, emergency managers and academia together to determine needs for accurate, accessible, and timely services from the National Weather Service.

February 10-13, 2009
Map World Forum: Geospatial Technologies for Sustainable Planet Earth
Hyderabad, India
Cost: $500, 10 percent discount for early registration
Registration: Early registration closes October 31, 2008

The conference will bring together stakeholders from diverse fields to share and explore needs and utility of geospatial technologies that promote sustainable development.

April 8-10, 2008
2009 Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America
Monterey, California
Cost: Not yet posted
Registration: Not yet posted

The meeting centers around the 20th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake and lessons learned with regard to earthquakes since then.