2008 Seismic Engineering International Conference: Commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake — Reggio Calabria, Italy: July 8-11, 2008.
The 2008 Seismic Engineering International Conference commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake (MERCEA'08) provide a forum to discuss state-of-the-art developments, best practices, and new research results in earthquake engineering and geotechnics.

National Pediatric Trauma and Disaster Services Summit — Los Angeles, California: September 11-12, 2008.
This summit will bring together more than 500 people from across the country to discuss the current state of pediatric emergency services and disaster preparedness nationwide, determine and deliberate about successes and challenges facing trauma networks, develop consensus around pediatric trauma and disaster research, and discuss trends disaster communication and logistics support technology.

INTERGEO Conference and Trade Fair for Geodesy, Geoinformation, and Land Management — Bremen, Germany: September 30- October 2, 2008.
The trade fair and conference will cover key trends, from geo-based information surveys and data processing to integrated applications. Topics include the environment, geo-caching, geo-marketing and the creation of geodata infrastructures such as INSPIRE and GDI-DE, satellite systems, flood protection, polar research, 3A modeling and urban renewal in times of demographic and economic change. Over 1,500 experts will give presentations on the latest developments in German and European markets. Running concurrently with the conference program, participants can get information on real-world scenarios from companies in the industry.

Ninth Regional Training Course on Flood Disaster Risk Management— Bangkok, Thailand: October 6-17, 2008.
The Flood Disaster Risk Management course is an integrated approach to developing flood risk reduction strategies that involve engineering, settlement, development, public administration, and community-based land use planning with environmental consideration. This multidisciplinary treatment of flood problems and flood risk management gives a holistic view of the situation and preparedness needs. Case examples of various national and local responses will be presented.

IBHS Annual Conference on Property Loss Reduction: Building Solutions through Science— Tampa, Florida: November 13-14, 2008.
This year's conference will offer workshops and speakers on a variety of topics important to the insurance industry, as well as discussions regarding the latest IBHS research. The annual conference brings together professionals in the insurance industry, emergency management, government agencies, and academic institutions to discuss the developments in natural hazards mitigation.

IAEM 56th Annual Conference and EMEX 2008: Putting a New Spin on Emergency Management— Kansas City ( Overland Park), Kansas: November 15-20, 2008.
The IAEM Annual Conference provides a forum for current trends and topics, information about the most recent tools and technology in emergency management and homeland security, and advances IAEM committee work. Sessions encourage stakeholders at all levels of government, the private sector, public health, and related professions to exchange ideas on collaborating to protect lives and property from disaster. Emergency managers, homeland security officials, first response coordinators, private industry risk managers and contingency planners are encouraged to attend.

The Pacific Coast Fire Conference: Changing Fire Regimes, Goals and Ecosystems— San Diego, California: December 1-4, 2008.
Fire and fuel managers, planners, implementers, resource specialists, fire ecologists, decision makers, researchers, students, and fire fighters should plan to attend this conference providing a timely forum for the exchange of information on the ecology and management of fire. The conference will focus on adapted and affected ecosystems along the U.S. Pacific Coast, Canada and Mexico in a time of changing climate and rapid population growth and feature opening and closing plenary sessions related to the theme.

Eighth Annual New Partners for Smart Growth: Building safe, Healthy, and Livable Communities— Albuquerque, New Mexico: January 22-24, 2009.
This conference offers a variety of cross-disciplinary participants and speakers to share experiences, insights, tools, and strategies encouraging smart growth and implementation. Topics covered will be the latest in smart growth, including research, cutting-edge implementation tools and techniques, best practices, model projects, policies and codes, coordinated networking activities, interactive learning experiences, and new partners. This event offers opportunities to network and coordinate with peers and practitioners from many different disciplines.

2009 ASPA Annual Conference: Governance in the Midst of Diversity, Bridging Opportunity and Challenge — Miami, Florida: March 20-24, 2009.
This conference will explore and develop innovative practices for public administration to address the growing diversity of communities around the country. It emphasizes the importance of context and culture on sustainability of innovations and ASPA’s role in supporting global public administration from a U.S. perspective. This conference seeks to provide a platform on which to build a new knowledge base helping to inform public administration practice and theory in the midst of diversity.

2009 National Hurricane Conference— Austin, Texas: April 6-10, 2009.
The goal of the National Hurricane Conference is to improve hurricane preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation; saving lives and property in the United States and tropical islands of the Caribbean and Pacific. In addition, the conference serves as a national forum for federal, state and local officials to exchange ideas and recommend new policies to improve emergency management. To accomplish these goals, the annual conference emphasizes lessons learned from hurricane strikes; state-of-the-art programs worthy of emulation; new ideas being tested or considered; information about new and ongoing assistance programs; and the ABC's of hurricane preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation.