April 17-19, 2013
Seventh European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns
Ville de Geneva and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
Geneva, Switzerland
Cost and Registration: $974, open until filled

This conference will discuss the environmental, economic, and social goals of a green economy. Topics include future growth patterns in European cities, climate change adaptation, long- and short-term natural disaster preparation, urban water management, standards for resilient communities, and international management of shared groundwater reserves.

April 22-26, 2013
Iterative Risk Management for Climate Change Adaptation Policy and Practice
Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia
Bangkok, Thailand
Cost and Registration: $1,500, open until filled

This conference will talk about how to gradually improve climate and disaster risk reduction policies. Topics include continuous and regular reevaluation of risk management plans, the evolution and convergence of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, challenges with using iterative risk management at local and national levels, and integration of iterative risk management plans with climate programs and projects.

May 19-22, 2013
Emergency Public Health and Disasters Conference
Southwest Regional Public Health Training Center
Torrance, California
Cost and Registration: $475 before April 1, open until filled

This conference will discuss the public health consequences of natural and intentional disasters with and emphasis on the impacts of Hurricane Sandy. Topics include public health perspectives of Hurricane Sandy, community partnerships, measuring and assessing preparedness, climate change, and community resiliency.

May 27 to June 1, 2013
National Professional Development Symposium
U.S. Fire Administration
Emmitsburg, Maryland
Cost and Registration: Free, closes May 1, 2013

This symposium will discuss fire service safety culture, first responder safety training, and subjects such as fire operations and prevention, emergency medical services, higher education, and technology. Sessions will focus on residential sprinklers, pipeline safety education, alternative fuels and electric vehicles, promoting educational programs, mobile learning for higher education, and the Geospatial Location Accountability and Navigation System for Emergency Responders.

June 2-4, 2013
Emergency Communication Conference
Emergency Media and Public Affairs
Brisbane, Australia
Cost and Registration: $1,387, open until filled

This conference will discuss pre- and post-disaster planning and communication between emergency management, public and private sectors, non-governmental organizations, and communities. Topics include the safety benefits of public-private partnership, community engagement campaigns, community behavior modification, media and emergencies in the United States, the future of social media and emergency management, and Auckland's cloud-based public alert system.

June 23-26, 2013
World Conference on Disaster Management
World Conference on Disaster Management
Toronto, Canada
Cost and Registration: $790 before March 31, open until filled

This conference will discuss a wide range of topics related to risk management, resilience, and recovery. Topics include crisis management simulations, catastrophic incident planning, mitigation of concentrated risk, ethics in emergency management, reputation management during critical incidents, critical steps in post-disaster recovery, and public-private partnerships in recovery and reconstruction.