February 27-28, 2013
Emergency Action Planning for Dam Safety
Association of State Dam Safety Officials
Kansas City, Missouri
Cost and Registration: $325, open until filled

This workshop will teach dam safety professionals how to develop and improve emergency action plans. Topics include emergency action plan elements, developing notification flow charts, creating inundation maps, determining action items, conducting tabletop exercises, and an overview of the Incident Command System.

February 28, 2013
Social Media and Response Management Interface Event
Metropolitan College of New York and the Association of Contingency Planners
New York, New York
Cost and Registration: Free, open until filled

This conference will discuss the benefits of social media in emergency response. Topics include crowd mapping and social media analysis, how to take advantage of expanding networks, crowd-sourced disaster relief efforts, analysis of social media text, and incorporating social media into local emergency response plans.

March 25-26, 2013
Fourth Annual VEMEC Conference
The Veterans Emergency Management Evaluation Center
Washington, D.C.
Cost and Registration: $375, open until filled

This conference will discuss the importance of multi-sector partnerships in community resilience. Topics include public-private partnerships in disaster response, lessons learned from Hurricane Sandy, business continuity during disasters, and global perspectives on disaster management. In addition, a workshop focused on including homeless populations in disaster preparedness and response will be held following the conference.

April 9-11, 2013
Third International Conference on Physical Coastal Processes, Management, and Engineering
Wessex Institute of Technology
Gran Canaria, Spain
Cost and Registration: $1,322, open until filled

This conference will discuss coastal vulnerability to storm surges, wind, tidal changes, and pollutants. Topics include wave modeling, coastal defense, the effects of climate change in coastal zones, tsunami impact and recovery, the impact of storms and extreme events, and socio-environmental issues.

April 10-13, 2013
Western Wildfire Conference
Western Silvicultural Contractors’ Association
Kelowna, British Columbia
Cost and Registration: $519, open until filled

This conference will discuss the increasing wildfire hazard in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest. Topics include home defense in the wildland urban interface, insurance industry and wildland fire risk, fuel treatment effectiveness, using forest fuels for bioenergy, and the politics of increasing community resilience to wildfires.

April 29 to May 3, 2013
Natural Disturbance Conference
Bavarian Forest National Park
Neuschönau, Germany
Cost and Registration: $403, open until filled

This conference will look at the role of catastrophes in natural regeneration, biodiversity, and landscape restructuring. Topics include the design and management of natural reserves, ecosystem response to flooding, the importance of fire in conservation, impacts of logging on below-ground fauna, and large-scale bark beetle outbreaks.