January 6-10, 2013
American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
American Meteorological Society
Austin, Texas
Cost and Registration: $325, open until filled

This conference will focus on expanding weather forecasting and projections beyond current capabilities. Topics include Fukushima contaminant diffusion, climate variability and change, weather modification, aviation and aerospace meteorology, space weather, coastal environments, hydrology, and environmental satellite systems.

January 23-24, 2013
Coastal Futures
Communications and Management for Sustainability
London, England
Cost and Registration: $234, open until filled

This conference will examine the challenges facing coastal sustainability, environmental changes, and trends in coastal management from a multidisciplinary perspective. Topics include coastal economy, offshore wind industry impacts, hydro-environmental impact studies, marine debris, marine spatial planning, and ecosystem management.

February 1, 2013
Earthquakes: Mean Business
Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology
Saint Louis, Missouri
Cost and Registration: $105, open until filled

This conference will raise earthquake awareness and teach preparedness in a business context. Topics will include infrastructure engineering, business continuity and risk, earthquake policy, building code issues, and the St. Louis Area Earthquake Mapping Project.

February 19-24, 2013
12th World Congress on Stress, Trauma, and Coping
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
Baltimore, Maryland
Cost and Registration: $570 before January 27, open until filled

This conference will focus on helping crisis intervention and disaster mental health personnel navigate the next era of disaster response with lessons learned, innovations, and evidence-based applications. Topics include transportation disasters, resilience in healthcare, critical incident stress management in aviation, children and trauma, post-action staff support, and ethics-based leadership.

March 13-15, 2013
Asia Water Week
Asian Development Bank
Manila, Philippines
Cost and Registration: free, open until filled

This conference will look at ways to strengthen and reform Asia’s water sector in ways that will result in sustainability, private sector investment, and increased expertise. Topics include climate change; the intersection of water, food, and energy; disaster management; water supply and sanitation; water resources and environment; and agriculture and irrigation.

March 25-28, 2013
National Hurricane Conference
National Hurricane Conference
Orlando, Florida
Cost and Registration: $350 before February 8, open until filled

This conference is focused on strengthening hurricane preparedness and response in the United States and Caribbean by exploring new ideas and lessons learned, as well as the basics. Topics include evacuation decision making, amateur radio communication, healthcare accessibility, fostering resilient communities, debris management, and utility damage assessments.