July 23-25, 2012
Pandemics, Bioterrorism, and International Security
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia
Cost and Registration: $1,500, open until filled

This course discusses national biodefense and public health challenges. Topics include lessons learned from SARS and the avian flu, decision-making lessons from the 1976 swine flu scare, impediments to organizational change, the lack of law enforcement training in the identification of biological agents, the unique features of biological weapons, and political obstacles to developing medical countermeasures for bioterrorist and pandemic threats.

August 19-24, 2012
33rd General Assembly
European Seismological Commission
Moscow, Russia
Cost and Registration: $687, open until filled

This conference will discuss recent significant earthquakes and seismological research. Topics include surface wave tomography for upper mantle studies, human-caused earthquakes, the earthquake history of Europe, earthquake forecasting and prediction, natural seismicity patterns, non-instrumental seismology, and artificial intelligence in geophysical data studies.

August 21-22, 2012
Sixth Australasian Hazards Management Conference
GNS Science, Massey University, and University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand
Cost and Registration: $359, open until filled

This conference will discuss using up-to-date hazard information in risk management decisions. Topics include developing effective warning systems, improving response and recovery timelines, reducing risk by using land use planning, the role of social media in disasters, rapid evaluation of damaged buildings, planning pet evacuations, and forensic investigations of disasters.

August 26-30, 2012
International Disaster and Risk Conference
Global Risk Forum
Davos, Switzerland
Cost and Registration: $1,061, open until filled

This conference will discuss integrative risk management approaches for mega-catastrophes, country risk management, environmental and ecological risk, urban risk, societal and political risk, and health risk. Topics include disaster recovery and reconstruction, ecosystem services, land use planning, and critical infrastructure protection.

August 29-31, 2012
Second Nordic International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation
Nordic Climate Change Adaptation Research Network and Nordic Network on Adaptive Management in Relation to Climate Change
Helsinki, Finland
Cost and Registration: $325 before June 29, open until filled

This conference will discuss adaptation to climate change-related weather events, such as record heat waves, heavy precipitation, and high winds. Topics include severe weather impacts on ecosystem services, regional economic impacts, technical and social adaptation strategies, limits to adaptation and poor adaptation, links between adaptation and mitigation, and the legal, institutional, and financial aspects of adaptation.

September 12-13, 2012
Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Cost and Registration: $617 before August 6, open until filled

This conference will discuss natural hazard mitigation and response strategies. Topics include reducing the risk of fires in vulnerable settlements, addressing the effects of climate change, protecting communities from hazardous materials, educating communities about flood risk reduction and response, and providing humanitarian relief in Somalia and Sudan.