June 19-20, 2012
Seminar on EU Warning and Disaster and Crisis Management Topics
Bulgarian Cartographic Association
Albena, Bulgaria
Cost and Registration: $311, open until filled

This seminar will discuss European concepts for crisis management and early warning, sensor mapping and visualization of geodata in warning and crisis management, early warning and disaster management policy making using scientific and Web support during emergencies. The seminar is part of the Fourth International Conference on Cartography and GIS, which will be held from June 18-22, 2012.

June 21, 2012
Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction Annual Conference
University College London
London, England
Cost and Registration: Free, open until filled

This conference will discuss risk communication and the resilience of critical infrastructure to natural hazards. The risk communication session will discuss reasons for communicating risk, what information should be communicated to the public and why, and what would make risk information more understandable or useful. Critical infrastructure topics include seismic hazard impacts on infrastructure, natural hazards and the nuclear power industry, and postdisaster recovery and reconstruction programs.

June 25-28, 2012
7th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Common Ground Publishing
Barcelona, Spain
Cost and Registration: $500 before December 25, open until filled

This conference will discuss social science research and its practical applications. Topics include post-earthquake hardships in Haiti, the role of social networks in climate change discussions, increased drought risk in eastern New Zealand, religious values in dealing with global warming, disaster preparedness in Bangladesh, and deforestation, erosion, and watershed degradation in northeast India.

June 28, 2012
Global Conference on Disaster Management
Global Conference, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas
Cost and Registration: $595, open until filled

This conference will discuss emergency preparedness strategies for businesses. Topics include contingency planning challenges, simple business continuity planning strategies, essential disaster preparedness exercises, strategies for finding weaknesses in disaster response plans, and the Emergency Leadership Program, which places trained civilians in a natural disaster site within 48 hours.

July 11-13, 2012
SPCC and Stormwater Compliance Workshop
EPA Alliance Training Group
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Cost and Registration: $895, open until filled

This workshop will discuss oil SPCC (Spill, Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure) regulations. Topics include facility inspections, stormwater pollution prevention plan development, SPCC inspections, the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, contingency planning, and minimum control measures and best management practices.

July 24-25, 2012
Gulf Coast Forum
Risk Mitigation Leadership Forum Series
New Orleans, Louisiana
Cost and Registration: Free, closes July 6

This forum will help Gulf Coast communities prepare for extreme weather and the upcoming hurricane season. Topics include forecasting, evacuation protocols, land use and building practices, socioeconomic and environmental impacts, mitigation successes, and ways in which the insurance industry can promote effective mitigation.

August 1-3, 2012
Disaster Interventions, Climate Change, Community Resilience and Humanitarian Aid when Empowering Local Communities
Durham University
Durham, England
Cost and Registration: $543, open until filled

This conference will discuss ways in which humanitarian aid should be delivered. Topics include the appropriateness of postdisaster rebuilding efforts, cultural challenges in partnering with disaster survivors, examples of successful disaster interventions which included regulation and thorough evaluation, and the contribution of local knowledge, values, rituals, and religious belief systems in helping survivors cope with disaster recovery.